The curious case of why I couldn’t stop watching Hi Score Girl

Hi Score Girl is a messy show that somehow works.

Yashahime: Half-Demon Princess won’t stop playing games with my heart

Inuyasha debuted on Adult Swim in 2002 and quickly established itself as a juggernaut. Five nights a week, fans all over America would tune...
Death Support Center

Death Support Center fails to impress with its tired premise

Death Support Center is not a good manga. You should not read it.
Skate-Leading Stars

Funimation is on thin ice with their lack of marketing for Skate-Leading Stars

Skate-Leading Stars is a mildly funny anime about honor, knowing when to accept defeat, and how those concepts are for cowards.

Gekidol is a post-apocalyptic mess, and you shouldn’t watch it

Your guess is as good as mine. I was six shots deep when I watched this, but I don’t think being sober would have made a difference.