No Name Anime Show: Don’t Worry, Gohan Will Be Fine

It's Podcastin' Time! In this episode, JP and Kyle talk bout Otakon 2023 and catch up on the anime they're watching this season. JP...

No Name Anime Show: The Dick Locker

Back from the dead! It's another one of those podcast things. We cover a lot of ground in this episode. Is buying used manga...

No Name Anime Show: What if ‘Murder She Wrote’ but She’s Blind?

Surprise! We did another podcast that I forgot to post. I'm like 1000% sure this opens with JP talking about the greatest show to...

No Name Anime Show: The Lost Episode

According to the audio file metadata, we recorded this on March 18, 2023. The .mp3 was created on April 7, 2023. The events that...

No Name Anime Show: I woke up and forgot my boobs!

This is one of the more review heavy episodes we've done in a while. We have three anime reviews and three manga review/previews. If you haven't seen all of Trigun you may want to skip over that section. You should also go read The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins.